March 16- March 19th: #RevPit Annual Contest submission window
The submission window opens at 12pm EDT on March 16th and will remain open until 12pm EDT on March 19th.
If you need accommodations for the submission window due to disability, religion, or other special circumstances that create a significant barrier to submitting, please check the FAQ page for more details.
Please make sure you use the correct email address when submitting. This is the only way editors will be able to contact you regarding your submission materials.
How to Submit
Step 1: Open the submission form during the submission window by clicking the link on the How to Submit page.
Step 2: Choose your editors.
Browse the participating editor bios and MSWLs and select your top THREE choices.
We also have an accessible spreadsheet that breaks down which age categories and genres the editors are accepting to help you narrow down your choices. You can access the Editor MSWL spreadsheet here.
Step 3: Fill in the blanks with your author information.
Your name (short answer)
Pronouns (optional) (short answer)
Twitter handle or other social media link (short answer)
Your THREE editor choices (pick from list)
Answer these questions (short answer):
Why did you choose these editors as the best match for you and your manuscript?
Why is working with an editor helpful for you at this point, and what are your concerns about your manuscript?
Have you queried or entered this manuscript in other mentorship or similar contests (please include if you are currently querying or being considered for other programs)? If so, what were the results (including any feedback you received)?
What other feedback have you received, and have you applied that feedback or not? If not, why?
Why do you love your main character?
Is there anything you are completely unwilling to change about your manuscript?
Step 4: Fill in your manuscript information in the provided space:
Manuscript title
Age category (pick from list)
Genre (pick from list)
Subgenre (optional) (short answer)
Word count (short answer)
Logline (short answer)
To learn more about how to write a logline, take a look at this logline writing article or Logline Writing Essentials.
If you aren't sure which age category or genre to choose, pick the one that's the best match.
Step 5: Upload your documents
A. Upload your query letter and first five pages in ONE document
Query should be single-spaced and the first five pages should be double-spaced
Include a page break between the query and first five pages
One-inch margins
Standard font (Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman, 11 or 12 pt)
Make sure your query letter includes:
A generic greeting, as the same letter will be seen by all of your chosen editors
Word count
Age category
Description of story
Author bio
For extra help on putting together an awesome query letter, check out our sample query.
Remove any personal information that you don't want a first reader to know from this document (for example: email address, physical address, telephone number, website, and social media links).
If you need a visual example of formatting for the Annual Contest, take a look at our query and first five pages submission sample.
There will be a spot on the form to list any content warnings ONLY in your first five pages. (short answer)
B. Upload your synopsis
No more than two pages (1000 words) long
One-inch margins
Standard font (Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman, 11 or 12 pt)
If you need a visual example of formatting for the Annual Contest, take a look at our synopsis submission sample.
Never written a synopsis? Check out this synopsis how-to.
C. Upload your full manuscript
One-inch margins
Standard font (Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman, 11 or 12 pt)
If you need a visual example of formatting for the Annual Contest, take a look at our full manuscript submission sample.
There will be a spot on the form to list any content warnings in your full MS. (short answer)
Step 6: SUBMIT!
Click here for a downloadable PDF checklist to help you prep.
Click here for visual examples of the submission form.
Eligibility Requirements:
You must agree to our Code of Conduct, which can be found on the FAQ page.
Your submission materials are your own original work
The manuscript you are submitting has never been published before
You are not represented by a literary agent
No non-fiction, poetry, chapter books, picture books, or projects under 25,000 words
Please note: If you are selected for Revise & Resub, your query and first five pages will be showcased on our website at the end of the contest. We want to be able to share your hard work with the world! Revised submissions will be showcased for three months and then removed from the site. After three months, or upon securing agent representation or a publishing contract, an author may request their submission be taken out of the showcase.